using Microsoft.Win32; // for registry

* This region used to control the Registry value.

#region [ Registry Control ]
const string strUserRoot = "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\SOFTWARE";

// set string value to registry
public void setRegistry(string strSubKey, string strName, object objValue)
// The name of the key must include a valid root.
string strKey = strUserRoot + "\\" + strSubKey;

Registry.SetValue(strKey, strName, objValue);
catch(Exception ex)

// get interger value from registry
public int getRegInteger(string strSubKey, string strName)
// The name of the key must include a valid root.
string strKey = strUserRoot + "\\" + strSubKey;

return Convert.ToInt32(Registry.GetValue(strKey, strName, 10));
catch (NullReferenceException ex)
// set temp value
setRegistry(strKey, strName, false);
return Convert.ToInt32(Registry.GetValue(strKey, strName, null));

catch (Exception ex)
return 0;

// get string value from registry
public string getRegString(string strSubKey, string strName)
// The name of the key must include a valid root.
string strKey = strUserRoot + "\\" + strSubKey;

return (string)Registry.GetValue(strKey, strName, null);
catch (NullReferenceException ex)
// if register key isn't in the Register, function will return NullReferenceException.
// 레지스터 안에 레지스터 키 값이 없다면 Registry.GetValue() 는 NullReferenceException 이 발생하며
// 이를 방지하기 위해 Register Key를 Registry.SetValue() 를 사용해 생성한 후 다시 Registry.GetValue()를 한다.
setRegistry(strKey, strName, false);

return (string)Registry.GetValue(strKey, strName, null);


catch (Exception ex)
return null;

const string strSubKey = "ComOption";
private void getComOption()
// Call method from registry
int iMethod = (int)utility.getRegInteger(strSubKey, "method");



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